Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh
Grey and Navy Oriental Easy Care Runner Rug - 2'6" x 6' Runner - Grey/Navy
Grey and Navy Rectangular Stain-Resistant Area Rug - Rectangle - 3' x 5' - Grey/Navy
Ivory and Silver Square Oriental Synthetic Area Rug
Ivory and Sage Rectangular Hand-knotted Oriental Area Rug 4' x 6' - Rectangle - 4' x 6' - Ivory/Sage
Grey and Black Synthetic Patterned Runner Rug - 2'6" X 22' Runner - Grey/Black
Grey and Black Medallion Hand-knotted Synthetic Runner Rug - 3' x 5' - Grey/Black
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Runner Rug, 2'6" x 20' - 2'6" x 20'
Grey and Blue Distressed Oriental Runner Rug - 2'6" X 8' Runner - Grey/Blue
Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh - 4' x 6' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Light Blue Floral Rectangular Area Rug, 6' x 9' - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Light Blue
Grey and Navy Rectangular Synthetic Area Rug - 2'6" X 8' Runner - Grey/Navy
Ivory and Light Blue Square Medallion Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square - Ivory/Light Blue
Ivory and Rose Floral Hand-knotted Runner Rug - 2'6" X 6' Runner - Ivory/Rose
Ivory and Dark Green Square Synthetic Area Rug, 6' x 6' - 6' x 6' Square - Ivory/Dark Green
6' Square Dark Green and Ivory Oriental Synthetic Rug - 6' x 6' Square - Dark Green/Ivory
Ivory and Silver Rectangular 6' x 9' Synthetic Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Silver
Blue and Gray Rectangular Synthetic 6' x 9' Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Grey/Blue
Slate & Ivory Medallion Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug, 3' x 5' - 3' x 5'
Adirondack Wyatt Grey/Blue 10' x 10' Square Synthetic Area Rug - 10' X 10' Square - Grey/Blue
Adirondack Floral Bliss Easy-Care Grey/Blue Synthetic Rug 9' x 12'
Ivory & Rose Oriental Distressed 30" Synthetic Accent Rug
Adirondack Ivory & Sage 8'x8' Easy-Care Square Rug
Chic Lodge Style Grey/Black 8' Round Synthetic Area Rug
Ivory Silver Elegance 6' Round Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Round - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Navy 3' x 5' Synthetic Easy-Care Rectangular Rug - 3' x 5' - Ivory/Navy
Chic Grey & Blue Oriental Synthetic 6' Round Area Rug - 6' X 6' Round - Grey/Blue
Chic Grey & Black Floral 8' Square Synthetic Area Rug - 8' x 8' Square
Elysian Ivory & Slate 6' Round Hand-Knotted Synthetic Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Slate
Reversible Grey and Blue Floral Square Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square
Ivory Rose Elegance 6' Square Hand-Knotted Reversible Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square - Ivory/Rose
Elysian Grey & Black Oriental Synthetic Rug 10' x 14' - Easy Care - 10' x 14' - Grey/Black
Chic Grey/Blue Round Synthetic Easy-Care Area Rug - 4' x 4' Round
Chic Slate & Ivory Adirondack 10' x 14' Easy-Care Area Rug - 10' x 14' - Slate/Ivory
Chic Lodge Ivory/Sage Synthetic 10' x 14' Hand-Knotted Area Rug - Rectangle - 10' x 14' - Ivory/Sage
Ivory and Teal Medallion 6' x 9' Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Teal
Ivory/Sage Floral Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug, 6' x 9' - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Sage
Elegant Ivory/Slate 8' x 10' Oriental Easy-Care Area Rug - Rectangle 8' x 10' - Ivory/Slate
Slate and Cream Reversible Floral Synthetic Area Rug - 25"x6"
Ivory Rose 5' Square Oriental Synthetic Area Rug - 5' square
Ivory and Silver 10' Round Reversible Synthetic Area Rug - 10' X 10' Round - Ivory/Silver
Chic Lodge Grey & Navy 8' x 10' Hand-Knotted Synthetic Area Rug
Chic Lodge Style Ivory/Silver Round Synthetic Area Rug, 3' x 3' - 3' X 3' Round - Ivory/Silver
Chic Lodge-Style Ivory/Slate Round Synthetic Easy-Care Rug - 2'6" X 4' - Ivory/Slate
Chic Lodge Style Grey/Blue Synthetic 4' x 6' Hand-Knotted Rug - Rectangle - 4' x 6' - Grey/Blue
Chic Ivory/Silver Synthetic 4' x 4' Square Easy-Care Rug - 4' X 4' Square - Ivory/Silver
Chic Ivory & Silver 8' Square Synthetic Easy-Care Rug - 8' X 8' Square - Ivory/Silver
Chic Lodge Style Adirondack Ivory/Rose 6' x 9' Hand-Knotted Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Rose
Chic Grey/Blue Synthetic Reversible Runner Rug - 2'6" x 12' - Rectangle - 2'6\" x 12' - Grey/Blue
Ivory Rose Oriental 7' Square Synthetic Area Rug - Easy Care
Adirondack Ivory & Sage Oriental Square Synthetic Area Rug, 10' x 10'
Chic Grey & Black Medallion Hand-Knotted Area Rug - 2'6" x 4'
Ivory and Silver Hand-Knotted Synthetic 3'x5' Reversible Rug - 3' x 5'
Chic Ivory/Slate Floral Synthetic 6' Square Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square - Ivory/Slate
Oriental Grey & Black Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug 9' x 12' - Grey/Black
Elegant Ivory and Sage 6' Square Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square
Chic Ivory and Silver 5' Square Synthetic Easy-Care Area Rug - 5' X 5' Square - Ivory/Silver
Lodge-Inspired Grey/Blue Synthetic Area Rug, 5'1" x 7'6" - 5'1" x 7'6"
Grey/Black Floral Synthetic 6' x 9' Easy-Care Rectangular Rug - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Grey/Black
Chic Lodge Ivory & Silver 10' x 14' Hand-Knotted Synthetic Area Rug - Rectangle - 10' x 14' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory Rose 6' Round Synthetic Easy-Care Adirondack Rug - 6' X 6' Round - Ivory/Rose
Slate & Ivory Reversible Easy-Care Synthetic Rug - 68x16 in
Adirondack Black and Ivory 3' x 5' Synthetic Area Rug - 3' x 5' rectangle - Black/Ivory
Ivory and Silver 12' Round Stain-Resistant Synthetic Area Rug - 12' X 12' Round - Ivory/Silver
Handmade Grey/Blue Synthetic Easy Care 30" x 16" Rug
Ivory and Rose Rectangular Synthetic Area Rug 8' x 10' - 8' x 10'
Slate and Ivory Floral Synthetic Area Rug - Rectangle - 2'6" X 4' - Slate/Ivory
Grey and Black Round Synthetic Easy Care Area Rug, 10' x 10'
Ivory and Sage Synthetic Stain-Resistant Circular Area Rug - Rectangle 2'6" x 4' - Ivory/Sage
Ivory and Blue Rectangular Synthetic 8' x 10' Area Rug - 8' x 10' - Grey/Blue
Chic Ivory & Silver Synthetic 2'6" x 4' Hand-Knotted Area Rug - Rectangle - 2'6" X 4' - Ivory/Silver
Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Ivory/Sage
Silver Floral Motif Round Synthetic Area Rug - 4' x 4' Round
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Rectangular Area Rug, 9' x 12' - Rectangle - 9' x 12' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Low Pile Area Rug - 5'1" X 7'6" - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Rectangular Area Rug, 8' x 10' - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Navy Round Oriental Synthetic Area Rug, 8 x 10 ft - 8' x 10' - Ivory/Navy
Grey and Black 8' x 10' Synthetic Easy Care Area Rug - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Grey/Black
Black and Teal 8' x 10' Synthetic Patterned Area Rug - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Black/Teal
Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh
Grey and Navy Oriental Easy Care Runner Rug - 2'6" x 6' Runner - Grey/Navy
Grey and Navy Rectangular Stain-Resistant Area Rug - Rectangle - 3' x 5' - Grey/Navy
Ivory and Silver Square Oriental Synthetic Area Rug
Ivory and Sage Rectangular Hand-knotted Oriental Area Rug 4' x 6' - Rectangle - 4' x 6' - Ivory/Sage
Grey and Black Synthetic Patterned Runner Rug - 2'6" X 22' Runner - Grey/Black
Grey and Black Medallion Hand-knotted Synthetic Runner Rug - 3' x 5' - Grey/Black
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Runner Rug, 2'6" x 20' - 2'6" x 20'
Grey and Blue Distressed Oriental Runner Rug - 2'6" X 8' Runner - Grey/Blue
Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh - 4' x 6' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Light Blue Floral Rectangular Area Rug, 6' x 9' - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Light Blue
Grey and Navy Rectangular Synthetic Area Rug - 2'6" X 8' Runner - Grey/Navy
Ivory and Light Blue Square Medallion Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square - Ivory/Light Blue
Ivory and Rose Floral Hand-knotted Runner Rug - 2'6" X 6' Runner - Ivory/Rose
Ivory and Dark Green Square Synthetic Area Rug, 6' x 6' - 6' x 6' Square - Ivory/Dark Green
6' Square Dark Green and Ivory Oriental Synthetic Rug - 6' x 6' Square - Dark Green/Ivory
Ivory and Silver Rectangular 6' x 9' Synthetic Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Silver
Blue and Gray Rectangular Synthetic 6' x 9' Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Grey/Blue
Slate & Ivory Medallion Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug, 3' x 5' - 3' x 5'
Adirondack Wyatt Grey/Blue 10' x 10' Square Synthetic Area Rug - 10' X 10' Square - Grey/Blue
Adirondack Floral Bliss Easy-Care Grey/Blue Synthetic Rug 9' x 12'
Ivory & Rose Oriental Distressed 30" Synthetic Accent Rug
Adirondack Ivory & Sage 8'x8' Easy-Care Square Rug
Chic Lodge Style Grey/Black 8' Round Synthetic Area Rug
Ivory Silver Elegance 6' Round Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Round - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Navy 3' x 5' Synthetic Easy-Care Rectangular Rug - 3' x 5' - Ivory/Navy
Chic Grey & Blue Oriental Synthetic 6' Round Area Rug - 6' X 6' Round - Grey/Blue
Chic Grey & Black Floral 8' Square Synthetic Area Rug - 8' x 8' Square
Elysian Ivory & Slate 6' Round Hand-Knotted Synthetic Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Slate
Reversible Grey and Blue Floral Square Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square
Ivory Rose Elegance 6' Square Hand-Knotted Reversible Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square - Ivory/Rose
Elysian Grey & Black Oriental Synthetic Rug 10' x 14' - Easy Care - 10' x 14' - Grey/Black
Chic Grey/Blue Round Synthetic Easy-Care Area Rug - 4' x 4' Round
Chic Slate & Ivory Adirondack 10' x 14' Easy-Care Area Rug - 10' x 14' - Slate/Ivory
Chic Lodge Ivory/Sage Synthetic 10' x 14' Hand-Knotted Area Rug - Rectangle - 10' x 14' - Ivory/Sage
Ivory and Teal Medallion 6' x 9' Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Teal
Ivory/Sage Floral Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug, 6' x 9' - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Sage
Elegant Ivory/Slate 8' x 10' Oriental Easy-Care Area Rug - Rectangle 8' x 10' - Ivory/Slate
Slate and Cream Reversible Floral Synthetic Area Rug - 25"x6"
Ivory Rose 5' Square Oriental Synthetic Area Rug - 5' square
Ivory and Silver 10' Round Reversible Synthetic Area Rug - 10' X 10' Round - Ivory/Silver
Chic Lodge Grey & Navy 8' x 10' Hand-Knotted Synthetic Area Rug
Chic Lodge Style Ivory/Silver Round Synthetic Area Rug, 3' x 3' - 3' X 3' Round - Ivory/Silver
Chic Lodge-Style Ivory/Slate Round Synthetic Easy-Care Rug - 2'6" X 4' - Ivory/Slate
Chic Lodge Style Grey/Blue Synthetic 4' x 6' Hand-Knotted Rug - Rectangle - 4' x 6' - Grey/Blue
Chic Ivory/Silver Synthetic 4' x 4' Square Easy-Care Rug - 4' X 4' Square - Ivory/Silver
Chic Ivory & Silver 8' Square Synthetic Easy-Care Rug - 8' X 8' Square - Ivory/Silver
Chic Lodge Style Adirondack Ivory/Rose 6' x 9' Hand-Knotted Area Rug - 6' x 9' - Ivory/Rose
Chic Grey/Blue Synthetic Reversible Runner Rug - 2'6" x 12' - Rectangle - 2'6\" x 12' - Grey/Blue
Ivory Rose Oriental 7' Square Synthetic Area Rug - Easy Care
Adirondack Ivory & Sage Oriental Square Synthetic Area Rug, 10' x 10'
Chic Grey & Black Medallion Hand-Knotted Area Rug - 2'6" x 4'
Ivory and Silver Hand-Knotted Synthetic 3'x5' Reversible Rug - 3' x 5'
Chic Ivory/Slate Floral Synthetic 6' Square Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square - Ivory/Slate
Oriental Grey & Black Easy-Care Synthetic Area Rug 9' x 12' - Grey/Black
Elegant Ivory and Sage 6' Square Synthetic Area Rug - 6' X 6' Square
Chic Ivory and Silver 5' Square Synthetic Easy-Care Area Rug - 5' X 5' Square - Ivory/Silver
Lodge-Inspired Grey/Blue Synthetic Area Rug, 5'1" x 7'6" - 5'1" x 7'6"
Grey/Black Floral Synthetic 6' x 9' Easy-Care Rectangular Rug - Rectangle - 6' x 9' - Grey/Black
Chic Lodge Ivory & Silver 10' x 14' Hand-Knotted Synthetic Area Rug - Rectangle - 10' x 14' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory Rose 6' Round Synthetic Easy-Care Adirondack Rug - 6' X 6' Round - Ivory/Rose
Slate & Ivory Reversible Easy-Care Synthetic Rug - 68x16 in
Adirondack Black and Ivory 3' x 5' Synthetic Area Rug - 3' x 5' rectangle - Black/Ivory
Ivory and Silver 12' Round Stain-Resistant Synthetic Area Rug - 12' X 12' Round - Ivory/Silver
Handmade Grey/Blue Synthetic Easy Care 30" x 16" Rug
Ivory and Rose Rectangular Synthetic Area Rug 8' x 10' - 8' x 10'
Slate and Ivory Floral Synthetic Area Rug - Rectangle - 2'6" X 4' - Slate/Ivory
Grey and Black Round Synthetic Easy Care Area Rug, 10' x 10'
Ivory and Sage Synthetic Stain-Resistant Circular Area Rug - Rectangle 2'6" x 4' - Ivory/Sage
Ivory and Blue Rectangular Synthetic 8' x 10' Area Rug - 8' x 10' - Grey/Blue
Chic Ivory & Silver Synthetic 2'6" x 4' Hand-Knotted Area Rug - Rectangle - 2'6" X 4' - Ivory/Silver
Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Ivory/Sage
Silver Floral Motif Round Synthetic Area Rug - 4' x 4' Round
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Rectangular Area Rug, 9' x 12' - Rectangle - 9' x 12' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Low Pile Area Rug - 5'1" X 7'6" - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Silver Floral Motif Rectangular Area Rug, 8' x 10' - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Ivory/Silver
Ivory and Navy Round Oriental Synthetic Area Rug, 8 x 10 ft - 8' x 10' - Ivory/Navy
Grey and Black 8' x 10' Synthetic Easy Care Area Rug - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Grey/Black
Black and Teal 8' x 10' Synthetic Patterned Area Rug - Rectangle - 8' x 10' - Black/Teal
Store | |
Nebraska Furniture Mart | $27.72 |
Walmart SAFAVIEH Adirondack Wyatt Traditional Area Rug, Grey/Blue, 4' x 4' Round | $28.72 |
Amazon | $28.72 as of 02:56 11/01 |
Lowe's | $29.27 |
QVC | $40.00 |
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Excellent Quality ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This rug has not only a beautiful pattern, but I am so impressed with the quality. The price was reasonable and I was very happily surprised when I unwrapped it and rolled it out. It was much better quality than I had hoped for. I highly recommend this rug. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Beautiful rug
Very good quality and the price can't be beat. fit is exactly what it was claimed to be. Looks great in my dining area.
Worth the cost
This rug looks great. I purchased it in ivory/sage, and I'm very happy with how it looks. The colors are visible, but not too bold. It is not super soft, and I don't think the quality is fantastic, but it's definitely worth the cost!
Exactly as advertised
Beautiful area rug. I love the color and the look. Exactly what I wanted for my dining room.
Horrible - Gets any kind of mositure and rupples up
We had purchased this same carpet in 2018. Was great but got discolored with time and use. Bought the exact replacement and it will not lay down flat and if it gets any kind of moisture it ripples it up and makes it unsightly as well as unsafe to walk on. Can definitely see where the quality of manufacturing and materials has drastically gone downhill. WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS PRODUCT
Chic rug
The rug was delivered as described and accurate to the size and color listed as well...the rug complimented the living area with its neutral colors
Don't waste your money...
Not worth the money. They are thin, poor quality and do not flatten out. I have bought better rugs at the dollar store. Seriously. Don't waste your money. They also charge outrageous fees for return shipping.
Pretty rug but not rustic, shabby or distressed.
Pretty rug, ivory or soft white and grey. This settled the wrinkles out fairly quickly once it was down and we were walking over it. It's four stars because I wanted rustic and shabby distressed and in my opinion this isn't that. The color is too present, deep and uniform. I'll keep it because the colors work and I like it, but I feel the description isn't really accurate. The photo closeup was near lanai doors and the further photo with a fluorescent lamp on.
I love my stage and ivory area rug. So beautiful!!
I love the sage and ivory colors. Matches my decor perfect. It looks very classy. The size fits perfectly under my chairs. Now I am waiting for my coffee table and my sitting area will finally be completed.
5 Stars
The rug is beautiful,I am very happy with the muted colors and the southwest design. However, it's wool and the thread pulls with dog claws...I will think about that next time for the high traffic area. Otherwise, it is very pretty.
Terrible rug. Very hard to the touch, multiple wrinkles. Some which do not disappear. Only positive comment I can make is the colour of the rug is true to the pictures advertised.
Love it!
I really love this rug! It arrived earlier than predicted. It looks exactly as pictured A my only wish is that I should have chose the larger one!!!
nice carpet but quite yellow rather than cream, very nice feel, good pile ... did a return, 2 weeks and still waiting for a refund ...
5 Stars
Just what I wanted. Good price. Fast delivery. Made really well. Extremely happy with purchase.
5 Stars
Purchased this rug for an under bed rug and it is perfect! It is thin and I was concerned it wouldn't lay flat but surprisingly, it laid flat almost immediately. Colors are true to photo.
4 Stars
The rug and pattern looks very nice. Soft feeling. Slightly thin and difficult to get the wrinkles out for it to lay totally flat.
Pretty rugs but the wrinkles almost killed us!
We ordered two of these rugs, a 9x12 and 12x14. Both came folded. The colors are beautiful. Both did require padding underneath as they are thin. We have had them for more than 6 months now and they are holding up well. The reason I gave them 3 stars is due to the amount of work required to get rid of the wrinkles. These were not small wrinkles either. They were big and presented a serious trip hazard. No exaggeration: we spent days on this issue. We put them in the driveway on several very hot days. Nothing. Spritzed them with water while in the sun. Nada. Tried the internet recommended method: a warm iron and slightly damp beach towel. Tried that one twice. I swear the rugs just laughed and laughed. Finally out of desperation we used a soaking wet beach towel and an iron set on high. We took turns and went over every inch 3 times with some spots requiring more time than others. There are still a few spots that we gave up on even after heavy foot traffic. They are pretty, but be prepared to do battle with the wrinkles!
5 Stars
Using for bathroom perfect white/grey combo not too busy for a neutral colored bathroom. Goes with anything.
5 Stars
I ordered this beautiful rug for our dining room. It has a slightly muted gray to it but is still a light colored rug. It lightens up the dining room very nicely. It is a very nice thickness with a pad under it.
Customer pictures
Prices are currently low for this product, typically ranging from $35 to $52, and the lowest price we've seen is $25.98.
Adirondack ADR109 Area Rug - Safavieh at Target
,SAFAVIEH Adirondack Wyatt Traditional Area Rug, Grey/Blue, 4' x 4' Round at Walmart
Embrace the fusion of modern charm and bohemian flair with our round, easy-care area rug. Hand-knotted from durable synthetic fibers, this rug features a captivating grey and blue palette, offering both style and practicality. Its washable, reversible design ensures lasting beauty and effortless maintenance, perfect for lively homes.