Terms of Service

Last updated November 29, 2023

Welcome to Spoken. We're dedicated to helping you find, discover, and compare prices of products across the internet. When we mention "we", "us", or "our", we're referring to Spoken, and "you" means you, our valued user. By using our website, you agree to these Terms of Service, which outline your rights and responsibilities. Please read them carefully to understand our mutual agreement.

Treehouses, Inc. ("Spoken.io"), a Delaware Corporation, owns and operates this website. Copyright © 2021-2024 Treehouses, Inc., U.S.A., and/or third-party content providers. All rights reserved. The content on this website is available for your personal and commercial use. Remember, any downloaded material must retain all copyright and other notices intact.

By using Spoken's services and products, you're agreeing to our terms and conditions. This Agreement governs your use of our services and products within the United States and is crucial for understanding your rights and obligations.

Other Documents

This Agreement cannot be altered, supplemented, or amended unless both you and Spoken agree in writing.

Pricing / Affiliate Relationships

We partner with Sovrn, Inc. for affiliate relationships, receiving anonymized transaction data related to purchases on affiliate sites. This data sharing complies with Sovrn, Inc.'s terms and privacy laws. While we strive to keep our pricing and product information current, occasionally it may be outdated or incorrect. We advise you to verify final prices and details with the affiliate site before purchasing.

Customer Satisfaction

Your satisfaction is important to us. If you're dissatisfied with our service, please reach out, and we'll strive to correct the situation promptly.

Copyright of Website Content

All original content and data on our website are copyrighted by Spoken. You can use our data for personal, educational, and non-commercial purposes. Feel free to create and share user-generated content that references our data on social media or blogs, but remember to attribute it to Spoken and stick to fair use terms. Commercial use or reproduction outside these terms is not allowed without our written permission.


The trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed here are owned by Spoken or third parties. These are not to be used without prior written permission from the respective owner.

External Links

We may provide external links for your convenience, but we're not responsible for the content on those sites. Use these links at your own risk.


Spoken makes no warranties or guarantees about the website, whether express or implied.

Disclaimer of Liability

We're not liable for any loss, damage, or injury that arises from using our website. This includes errors or delays in content or transmission, as well as actions taken based on this content.

Conflict of Terms

In case of a conflict between these terms and other specific terms or policies, the latter will prevail for the relevant section or module of the website.


If any part of these terms is unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that part will be treated as void, but the rest of the terms will remain effective.

Applicable Laws (Choice of Venue and Forum)

The use of our website is governed by California law, and any disputes will be addressed in California courts.

Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Agreement

If disputes arise, we first encourage informal resolution. Failing that, we both agree to settle disputes through binding arbitration, not in court.

Responsibilities and Risk Assumption

You're responsible for using our platform respectfully and staying informed about the terms of offers. Be aware of the inherent risks in online shopping.


You agree to indemnify us against any claims or damages arising from your use of Spoken, including legal costs.